Kan androjen düzeyleri ile BPH arasında bir ilişki var mıdır?
P: 3-7
December 2010

Kan androjen düzeyleri ile BPH arasında bir ilişki var mıdır?

Bull Urooncol 2010;9(4):3-7
1. Ankara Diskapi Yildirim Beyazit Egitim Ve Arastirma Hastanesi, 2. Üroloji Klinigi, Ankara
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It is well known that appropriate embryonic development and growth of prostate gland is dependent to androgens strictly. However the relationship between androgens and prostatic disease (Benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer) remains unclear. BPH is a highly prevalent disease among aging men and clinically characterized by prostate enlargement and lower urinary tract symptoms. The precise etiology of BPH is unknown. Aging and androgens are considered essential for the development of BPH. Although androgens, particularly testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are believed to be important in the pathogenesis of BPH, it is not known why BPH typically developed in aging period when androgen levels reducing gradually and whether or not there is any relation between serum androgens levels and BPH. A few early studies reported increased androgen in BPH; but, majority of these studies have been cross-sectional and very-small and have not controlled for critical covariates. In contrast to these studies, most of recent studies found no or only a weak change in serum androgens concentration in BPH. The findings of recent literature suggest that age-related growth of the prostate cannot be explained by an only increase or decrease in serum androgens and there is a more complex relationship between androgens and BPH. It is probably linked to age-related changes in hormonal and other growth-regulatory factors that affect prostate growth.

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