An Update on Cancers of Penis
P: 146-152
September 2014

An Update on Cancers of Penis

Bull Urooncol 2014;13(3):146-152
1. Sincan Devlet Hastanesi, Üroloji Klinigi, Ankara, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 05.08.2014
Accepted Date: 10.09.2014


Cancers of penis are uncommon malignancies that are often misdiagnosed. Carcinoma in situ or invasive squamous cell carcinoma constitutes most of the malign penile carcinomas. Risk factors related to penile cancer are listed as phimosis, chronic penile inflammation (balanoposthitis related to phimosis), human papilloma virus infections, and intensive sexual life. The presentation of primary lesion ranges from a relatively subtle induration to a small papule, pustule, warty growth, or papillary exophytic lesion. Diagnosis starts with the suspicion of this primary lesion, and ends up with the biopsy. The diagnosis of the primary lesion can be made by physical examination, but modified inguinal lymphadenectomy or dynamic sentinel-node biopsy is needed to diagnose in case of the doubt of inguinal lymphadenopathy. Treatment approaches to the primary lesion are topical chemotherapy, laser therapy, radiotherapy, and surgical excision. Treatment of the inguinal lymphadenopathy is mostly includes surgery. We aimed to remind the updates on the diagnosis and treatment of penile cancer which is seen rarely related to the circumcision tradition in our country in this review. (Bulletin of Urooncology 2014;13:146-152)