The Expression Frequency of Androgen Receptor, c-erbB2 and CD117 in Acinar Adenocarcinoma of Prostate and Normal Prostate Tissue and It’s Clinical Importance
Original Articles
P: 245-250
December 2015

The Expression Frequency of Androgen Receptor, c-erbB2 and CD117 in Acinar Adenocarcinoma of Prostate and Normal Prostate Tissue and It’s Clinical Importance

Bull Urooncol 2015;14(4):245-250
1. Konya Numune Hastanesi, Patoloji Klinigi, Konya, Türkiye
2. Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi, Patoloji Anabilim Dali, Samsun, Türkiye
3. Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi, Halk Sagligi Anabilim Dali, Samsun, Türkiye
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 18.05.2015
Accepted Date: 20.05.2015



The expressions of c-erbB2, CD117 and AR increase at significant level in cases of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma that hasn’t receive preoperative androgen suppression therapy. This result indicates that the increased expression levels of c-erbB2, CD117 and AR is related with a higher degree of malignancy and therapeutic agents against to c-erbB2 and CD117 could be combined with anti-androgenic agents in planning of treatment.


There was no staining with c-erbB2 and CD117 in benign prostate tissues. 15/80 (18.75%) and 32/80 (40%) of the prostatic adenocarcinomas stained positively with c-erbB2 and CD117 respectively. For both markers, the highest proportion (35%) of positive staining was found in the metastatic carcinoma groups with c-erbB2 (n=7/20, p=0.010 for all study groups) and 65% staining with CD117 (n=13/20, p=0.00004 for all study groups). All groups showed AR staining; prostatic adenocarcinoma. AR positivity was highest in the metastatic group (85%, 17/20, p=0.010). Prevalence of AR positivity between groups was similar to that of c-erbB2 and CD117.

Materials and Methods:

Hematoxylene-eosine sections of 80 patients diagnosed with acinar adenocarcinoma of prostate and 20 patients diagnosed as benign prostate tissue between 2005-2013 years were re-evaluated. Prostatic adenocarcinoma cases were re-classified as low, moderate and high risk (according to D’Amico risk classification) and metastatic ones into groups with 20 specimens. Immuno-histochemistry studies with AR, c-erbB2 and CD117 were performed in all groups.


In the cancer treatment, protein kinase inhibitors targeted at markers such as Her-2/neu (c-erbB2) and c-kit (CD117) are successful approaches. In this study, the expression of c-erbB2 and CD117 in normal prostate tissue as well as with low, moderate and high risk acinar adenocarcinoma of prostate with no androgen-suppression therapy, and, metastatic adenocarcinoma of prostate was investigated and the expression of androgen receptor (AR) was compared with c-erbB2 and CD117.

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